The reason for the establishment of the “Kosova Exodus’99” Foundation are the tragic events of the last and current century that have struck the Albanian people and especially the suffering caused by the Serbian regime to the Albanians during the 1998-1999 war for the independence of Kosova from Serbia.
Through the images by the founder, Asllan Krasniqi, in which these periods are illustrated with the message: « Never to be forgotten« , the aim of the foundation is remembrance by current and future generations of these periods of history, through which the Serbian regimes have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and organized ethnic cleansing of Albanians from their homeland.
The foundation at the core of the project has put illustration through images the deportation of nearly 1 million Kosova Albanians in the spring of 1999.
« Battle against forgetting the genocide of the last century in Kosova« , is the slogan of foundation’s founder.