
Since the end of the war in Kosova, the founder of the foundation, has realized over 50 exhibitions in European cities and in Kosova, related to the exodus of 1999, but also with various topics related to Albanian lands and their history, which illustrated through over 1 million photographs of his.

With the establishment of the foundation, it is intended that the memory of this period of Albanian history of the 20th century take a more expanded and more active form.

In addition to the continuation of photo exhibitions, the foundation within the activities has recently started video productions with the same photos of this period to expand the message to the global public, initially in English.

Some activities of Allan Krasniqi and the Foundation over the past years:

(Exibition at Iliria College, November 2019)

(Exhibition at Bllace/Kosova, April 2019)

(Exhibition in Kukës/Albania, March 2014)

(Exhibition in Prizren/ Kosova, June 2006)